Pastor Rod Parsley has held his annual Miracle, Healing and Victory Prayer Cloth service across the nation and as far away as Jerusalem. This year,
the service is coming home to World Harvest Church’s Columbus campus. And we’ll be joining them in a special evening meeting of WHC Elkhart – 7
p.m. Sunday, Nov. 10.
The special guest for this year’s service is Evangelist Reinhard Bonnke.
The scriptural basis of the prayer cloth is found in Acts 19:11-12: “And God was doing extraordinary miracles by the hands of Paul, so that even
handkerchiefs or aprons that had touched his skin were carried away to the sick, and their diseases left them and the evil spirits came out of
them” (ESV). Though some within the Church contend the supernatural transference of the anointing through a prayer cloth ended at the time of
the apostles, we have seen too much evidence to the contrary to agree! Over the years Pastor Parsley has received countless testimonies of
salvation, financial breakthrough, healings and other miracles tied directly to the use of the prayer cloth.
There’s another important reason to attend this year’s prayer cloth service at WHC: the anointing you bring makes a significant difference in
the service. The service will be broadcast worldwide, and the atmosphere in the tabernacle will be apparent to everyone who watches. And since
WHC Elkhart has become a significant part of the church’s anointing, it won’t be complete without you!
Come to World Harvest Church Elkhart Sunday evening, Nov. 10, to be a part of meeting the deepest prayer needs of hundreds of thousands of believers
around the world – and your own as well!